August: Osage County
John Wells, USA, 2013o
For many years, the strong-willed women of the Weston family have lived largely separate lives. But now, a family crisis brings them back to the Midwest house they all grew up in - and to the dysfunctional matriarch who raised them.
Streep is clearly having a whale of a time as the ultimate gone-to-seed grand-dame; manipulating her hapless family like chess pieces in some twisted game. But Roberts gives her all, too, bellowing expletives like a seasoned pro (‘Eat the fish, bitch!’). In fact, it’s tempting to see this as Roberts’s audition to be the next go-to gal for meaty older-lady roles when Meryl finally hangs up her spurs. This is by no means a good film – it’s far too crass and silly – but thanks to a remarkable cast, it is a very enjoyable one.
Tom HuddlestonBesonders die Schauspielerinnen toben sich genüsslich aus in dieser Adaption des Theaterstücks von Tracy Letts. Julia Roberts wächst über sich hinaus, und keine kriegt den Gift und Galle speienden Drachen so umwerfend hin wie Meryl Streep. Selten wurde in einem Film schöner und dreckiger gestritten. John Wells zeigt den Familienzoff in der Hitze Oklahomas ungeschönt.
Andreas ScheinerUn film fouetté par le souffle houleux des querelles familiales dont on ne ressort pas indifférent. Meryl Streep est impériale.
Arthur ChampilouMis en scène avec un réel sens du cinéma, le film touche la fébrilité malsaine et vivifiante de tout cercle familial.
Nicolas BaucheGalleryo