Dani, Michi, Renato & Max
Richard Dindo, Switzerland, 1988o
A three-part documentary about four young men who were active members of the Zurich youth movement in the early 1980s and died tragically as a result of “accidents” with the involvement of the police. The exuberant Dani and Michi stole a motorbike to go on a joyride; a police car gave chase and caused their fatal crash. Renato, a young junkie raised in orphanages, was shot by the police while driving a stolen car. Max, an innocent bystander at a youth demonstration, was clubbed on the head by a police officer, and later died of complications caused by his head injuries.
Dieser aufwühlende Dokumentarfilm ist heute mehr als eine Anklage gegen eine Gesellschaft, die sich gegen jegliche Veränderung stellt und ihren jungen Bürgerinnen und Bürgern das Bedürfnis nach Freiheit aberkannt: Der Film ist zu einem wertvollen Zeitdokument und unentbehrlichen Fragment unseres Kollektivgedächtnisses geworden. (Auszug)
Antonio MariottiGalleryo